4 responses
that's hilarious.every music blog we read was down at SXSW and I can just hear them... "but I write blog X... what do you meeeean I can't come in??"
my favorite part is "fuck google analytics"
That's my favourite part of the sign too! so funny.
Funny sign, and like a lot of funny things, there's a kernel of uncomfortable truth in it, i.e. the stigma of "not being a real writer" if you're a blogger. What if you're like me and you're a professional writer who happens to blog for a hobby?
Lisa: Interesting comment. It makes me think about the difference between writer and blogger...or is there one? I think we've come to a place where the lines start to blur. Sometimes it feels like those who have blogs think they are entitled to something (which is where I think that sign comes from)