
I'm a terrible sick person. After a certain point of being at home, the novelty of not being at work has worn off*. I keep thinking that I should be doing something, which means I haven't been doing a lot of lying around.

I keep getting up to do different things and I underestimated the side effects of my medication. Dizzy and disoriented, I fell in the bathroom and hit the tub hard. I have a small gash and an incredibly sore and tender hip. Definitely not my best moment.

So I am staying horizontal. No more thinking that I should be doing something. No more getting up. I am writing from a laptop in bed.

Which is a very long-winded introduction to this lovely bedroom. That bed looks so inviting and that chandelier, phew! Maybe if I had this bed, I would have stayed put in the first place!

*Although I must say that I am never really far from work. My workaholic nature means I check my work email compulsively. I know, bad me.