6 responses
Amazing! I have this neon sign on my work desktop right now: http://images.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://thumb2.visualizeus.com/thumbs/09/04/04/inspiration,neon,sign-292bd47d1505c876b821ef29fe6299be_m.jpg&imgrefurl=http://vi.sualize.us/tag/neon/%3Fpage%3D7&usg=_...
Hmm, that link is a little bit much for me to click on :)
I know, right?!?!? WTF happened there??? Sorry. I tried to delete the comment, but couldn't do that either. So there you have it...technology in its less-than-finest dress. But trust me on the photo...it's perfectly smashing!
I could delete the comment but I kinda like it in its crazy long winded form! :) Describe the photo!
Simple: "Everything is going to be alright" in neon.
Ahh, I love that. Such a good thing to remember.